AN ACT to renew the charter and continue
the corporate existence of the Old Town
Bank of Baltimore, with all the powers
heretofore granted.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the charter and
corporate existence of the Old Town Bank of
Baltimore, be and the same is hereby renewed
and continued, and said corporation be and it
is hereby continued in existence as a body
politic and corporate, with all the powers
heretofore granted, from the time when, ac-
cording to existing laws, it will expire, until
the first day of January nineteen hundred and'
twenty-six (1926), and until the end of the
regular session of the General Assembly next
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That "The Old Town
Bank of Baltimore'' aforesaid, for the period
aforesaid, shall have all the rights, powers
and privileges granted, and be subject to all
the duties, restrictions, limitations and condi-
tions imposed by the act passed at January '
Old Town
Bank - Renew-
ing charter.
session eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
chapter six, and an act passed at January ses-
sion eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, chapter
two hundred and eighty-one, as fully and ab-
solutely as if the same were herein re-enacted;
provided, that the stockholders of said cor-
poration shall be liable to the amount of their
respective share or shares of stock therein,
for all its debts and liabilities upon note, bill
or otherwise.
Duties, re-
strictions, &c-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 10, 1886.