E. 11
AN ACT to repeal section four of the act
passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-three, of .the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, chapter two hundred and
seventy-four, entitled "An act to incorporate
the Trustees of the Sheppard Asylum," and
to re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That section four, of the
act passed at the January session, eighteen
hundred and fifty-three, of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, chapter two hundred and
seventy-four, entitled "An act to incorporate
the Trustees of the Sheppard Asylum/' be and
the same is hereby repealed, amended and re-
enacted to read as follows :
SEC. 4. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the number of the
Trustees shall be not less than five nor more
than seven, and if at any time they shall be
reduced to four acting Trustees by death, resig-
nation or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the
remaining Trustees to fill each vacancy within
sixty days after its occurrence; and if they do
not fill such vacancy within said period, it
shall be the duty of the President, under pen-
Kepeale i,
amended ar '
alty of a fine of five hundred dollars to the
State, to notify the Governor of this State of
the fact of such vacancy, and thereupon it
shall be the duty of Governor, forthwith, by
writing under his hand, to appoint some per-
son to fill every such vacancy or vacancies as
often as they may occur, in manner aforesaid ;
and unless the Trustees shall have filled such
vacancy before they or any of them shall have
been notified of the appointment made by the
Governor in manner aforesaid, the person so
appointed shall be and become one of the
Trustees to all intents and purposes, and any
Trustees -
President H
notify Gove n
nor of vacan •/