Indian Territory — Keep all intruders out of the
territory; continue the self-government of the civilized
tribes; let them regulate their own land tenure law ;
enact suitable laws to protect life and property on
reservations; make them flexible in detail; administer
them through department orders approved by the
President; promptly and rigidly enforce them; indi-
vidualize the punishment of crime; never hold the
tribe liable for the crimes of its members; organize an
efficient Indian police force on every reservation.
Indian Department — Create a separate Indian de-
partment under a civilian secretary; grant plenary
emergency powers to the President; have all agencies
frequently inspected fly appointees of the President,
well paid and unconnected with the Indian depart-
Platform of
ment; carefully regulate the powers and duties of
Indian agents; give them permanent positions and lib-
eral salaries; keep them free from political influence ;
let their subordinates be appointed by the department ;
all questions of general policy and treatment to be set-
tled by the department; no individual experiments by
theoretical agents to be permitted; abolish all privi-
leged traderships; destroy all traffic in liquors;
control the sale of arms and ammunition; in all else
let there be free trade; let all military posts be main-
tained separate and apart from the Indian villages, and
preserve absolute non-intercourse between the soldiers
and the Indians.
No Removals — Remove no more tribes except
where the soil and climate require it and the change
is voluntary; civilize the Indians where they are.
Education — Educate the entire Indian reservation
population; teach the children in boarding, manual
Platform of
labor schools on the reservations; make them farmers
and graziers; give all the bands an abundance of
cattle; teach them trades; instruct them in the laws
of health; show them how to live; neutralize the
influence of the medicine man; make work compul-
Lands in Severally — On reservations, divide land
in several ty as soon as Indians can farm them; make
them inalienable and non-taxable for a time; sell the
surplus lands for the benefit of the tribe; elsewhere
grant government lands in several ty (on same terms)
to all Indians who can cultivate them.
Citizenship — Give citizenship to all self-supporting
Indians who ask for it.