Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor of this state be and he is ;
Issue proclama-
hereby authorized and directed to issue a proclama-
tion annually, designating a day in April for the plant-
ing of forest trees, to be known as "Arbor day, and
recommending that the day be devoted by the people
of the state to that pnpose, and especially recommend-
Arbor day.
ing to parents and to teachers in public schools, that
they encourage their children, or those under their in-
fluence, to plant or transplant at least one forest
shade-tree on that day by the side of a public road,
or about their school-houses or homes; with such
other practical suggestions on the subject as he may
deem expedient, and in furtherance of the object of
these resolutions.
And be it resolved, That this resolution take effect
No. 8.
Joint resolutions of the General Assembly of Mary-
land to Congress in relation to proposed Indian
WHEREAS, believing that civilization offers to the
Indians the single alternative of gradual absorption
or extermination, and that before they can be absorbed
in the general population they must be carefully pre-
pared for assimilation and citizenship, and profoundly
impressed with the conviction that this result can only
be accomplished by the federal government adopting
such a policy as will do justice to the Indian and honor
to the country, to be followed by appropriate current
legislation to enforce the same; therefore ?
Resolved, That Congress be. and it is hereby re-
Platform of
quested to pass resolutions solemnly pledging the faith
of the nation to the Indian policy embodied in the
Good Faith ? Never break faith with the Indians.