sects the northwardly line dividing the States of Penn-
sylvania, Maryland and Delaware; thence southerly
Mason and Dix-
with Mason and Dixon's line, until it intersects the
ons line.
eastwardly line dividing the States of Maryland and
No. 6.
Requesting the Governor to issue a commission to
the Honorable Ephraim K. Wilson, Selator-elect in
the Congress of the United States from this state,
for the term of six years, from the fourth day of
March, eighteen hundred and eighty-five.
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That his Excellency, the Governor, be and he is
hereby requested to issue a commission in the usual
form to the Honorable Ephraim K. Wilson, as Sena-
tor-elect to represent this state in the Congress of the
United States, for the term of six years, from the fourth
day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-five.
Issue commit
No. 7.
Joint resolution relative to the planting of forest trees
in the State of Maryland.
WHEREAS a due proportion of forest land is essen-
tial to the comfort, health and convenience of every
country; and, whereas, the examples afforded by
other lands suffice to show that the extermination
of forests is always followed by serious climacteric
changes, and by terrible disasters from drought and
flood; and, whereas, the rapid destruction of forests in
our own country, and particularly in our own state,
renders it apparent that some counteracting steps
should be taken at once; therefore —