of the United States, has not yet been refunded to
the state, although frequent requests therefor have
been made; and, whereas, several reports have been
made to Congress by the committees thereof, at
various times, all agreeing that said sum of money
is justly due and owing to the State of Maryland,
and the bills for the repayment thereof have several
times been passed by the Senate and House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States, but never by both
during the same Congress; therefore —
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our representatives in congress be and they are
hereby requested to use their best endeavors to obtain
the passage of a law by Congress to authorize the Sec-
retary of the Treasury to refund to the State of Mary-
Request to re-
land the sum of seventy-two thousand dollars, with
interest, which was so as aforesaid advanced by the
state to the General Government in the year seven-
teen hundred and ninety, for the purpose of erecting
public buildings.
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be
respectfully requested to forward a copy of these reso-
Forward copy
of resolutions.
lutions, under the great seal of the state, to our repre-
sentatives in Congress.