No. 2.
Approving the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-
two, chapter three hundred and sixty-eight, entitled
"An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Montgomery county to subscribe to the stock of
turnpike companies in said county."
WHEEEAS the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, at the session begun in January, eighteen
hundred and eighty-two, passed an act, chapter three
hundred and sixty-eight, entitled "An act to authorize
the county commissioners of Montgomery county to
subscribe to the stock of turnpike companies in said
county; and, whereas, all the requirements of the
constitution of the state, section fifty-four, article
three, with regard to the publication of such laws
have been complied with, and the facts certified to
according to law; now, therefore —
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the aforesaid act, chapter three hundred
and sixty-eight, be approved as passed; and —
Be it resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor of
the state, be requested to send a copy of these resolu-
Send copy of
tions, with the seal of the state affixed thereto, to the
county commissioners of Montgomery county.
No. 3.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland did, in the year
seventeen hundred and ninety, advance the sum of
seventy- two thousand dollars ($72,000) to the use of
the General Government, to be applied in such
manner as Congress shall direct, towards erecting
public buildings; and, whereas, the General Assem-
bly did, on the eleventh day of February, eighteen
hundred and forty-three, by resolution, request our
then representatives in Congress to obtain the pass-
age of a law refunding said sum, with the interest
thereon, to the state; and, whereas, the said sum of
money so as aforesaid advanced to the Government .