bay and its tributaries, and the waters of Talbot county
as far down as Black Walnut point; and it shall be
Duty of deputy
the duty of one of the deputy commanders of the third
district to guard the waters of Choptank river and its
tributaries, and the duty of the second to guard the
waters of Little Choptank river, in Dorchester county;
and of the third to guard the waters of Fishing bay,
Honga-river, Tar bay, Hooper's straits, Holland straits,
and the waters of Dorchester county, up the line divid-
ing Dorchester county from the counties of Wicomico
and Somerset, and the remaining commanders to guard
their respective districts; provided that the board of
public works, or the commander of the fishery force
are hereby authorized and empowered to order the
deputy commanders to do duty in any of the waters
in this state when, in the judgment of either, they
may deem it necessary.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That the board of pub-
lic works shall put the boats of the force in good
Board of public
works put force
condition, and provide new sloops or vessels where it
in good condi-
shall be necessary, so as to carry out the provisions of
this act, and shall, in addition to the steamer Governor
Hamilton, provide two new steam propellers, to be
built of iron, with a speed not less than fourteen
miles per hour, properly equipped for service, as guard
boats, and not to cost a greater sum than thirty-five
thousand dollars each, and the governor, together with
E. E. Jackson and Joseph B. Seth, are hereby authorized
to contract for and superintend the construction of such
steamers, and the board of public works may sell the
steamer Lelia and turn the funds arising from such
sale over to the comptroller, to be placed to the credit
of the oyster fund, and the sum of eighty thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is
hereby appropriated out of the money standing to the
credit of the oyster fund for the purpose of building,
repairing and equipping such boats; and the treasurer
of the state is hereby required and directed, upon the
warrant of the comptroller, to pay the sums of money
as directed by the said board of public works, but no
compensation shall be paid to said commissioners for
Purchase pro-
such supervision; and the act of eighteen hundred
and eighty-two, chapter two hundred and seventy-five,
appropriating a sum of money for the purchase of two
tugs or propellers, one of which has been received,
and the other has not, is hereby repealed, and the