purchase of the second steamer mentipned therein ia
hereby prohibited.
SEC. '29. And be it enacted, That the board of
public works shall have power to appoint a suitable
person to command said force; to appoint a deputy
Appoint suita-
ble commander
commander for each steamer; to appoint the deputy
commanders for each sloop for their respective districts
from persons of the counties whose waters comprise
the different districts, who shall be commissioned by
the governor, and the said deputy commanders shall
have power to appoint their subordinates and select
their crews; and the term of office of said commanders
Term of office.
shall be for two years, unless sooner removed for
incompetency or neglect of duty; and if any of said
officers shall fail in the discharge of his duty by reason
of collusion with parties interested in violating any of
the provisions of this act, he shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and, on indictment and conviction in a court
of law, shall be fined or imprisoned, at the discretion
of the court.
SEC. 30. And be it enacted, That the board of pub-
lic works shall have the power to remove any officer
of eaid force for neglect of duty or incompetency; and
any officer commanding in said force shall have the
Remove incom-
petent subordi-
power to remove any subordinate under his command
and appoint a person to fill the vacancy whenever the
interest of said service may, in his judgment, require
him to do so.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That the board of pub-
lic works shall have power, and it shall be their duty,
to keep the steamers and said vessels in good order,
Keep vessels is
and the treasurer of the state, upon requisition of said
good order.
board and the warrant of the comptroller, is hereby
required and directed to pay the sum or sums neces-
sary to carry out the provisions of this act.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That the deputy com-
manders of the steamers be and they are hereby re-
quired to keep their vessels constantly on duty when
Vessels con-
circumstances will permit, and that every locality,
stantly on duty
where a violation of the law is likely to occur, shall be
visited as often as the duties of the force and condition
-of the vessels will allow, and that every three months
a report shall be made to the board of public works
of all official action taken under the law, and of all
money received for license issued to parties engaged in