SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That if any creek, cove
or inlet, not exceeding one hundred yards at low
water in breadth at its mouth, make into the lands,
or that if any creek, cove or inlet of greater width
than one hundred yards at low-water mark, make into
the lands, the owner or owners, or other lawful occu-
pant or occupants, shall have the exclusive right to
use such creek, cove or inlet when the mouth of said
creek, cove or inlet is one hundred yards or less in
width; and when the said creek, cove or inlet is more
than one hundred yards in width at its mouth, at low
Right to use
creek, &c.
water, the said owner or owners, or other lawful occu-
pant or occupants, shall have exclusive right to use
such creek, cove or inlet so soon as said creek, cove or
inlet, in making into said land or lands, shall become
one hundred yards in width at low water, for preserv-
ing, depositing, bedding or sowing oysters or other
shell-fish, although such cove, creek or inlet may not
be included in the lines of any patent. And in all
such cases such right of the riparian proprietor shall
extend to the middle of such creek, cove or inlet.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the board of
public works is empowered and directed to purchase
for each of the guard boats such arms and ammuni-
Directed to pur-
tion as may be necessary to make them efficient, and
chase boats.
the officers of such boats shall be authorized to use such
arms in their discretion for the enforcement of the
provisions of this act.
SEC. 27. Be it enacted, That for the more efficient
working of the state fishery force, the waters of this
state shall be divided into seven districts, of which the
waters of Kent county and Queen Anne's shall be the
first; the waters of Queen Anne's and Talbot shall be
Divided into
the second; the waters of Talbot the third; the waters
of Wicomico the fourth; the waters of Somerset
county the fifth; the waters of Anne Arundel county
the sixth; the waters of St. Mary's, Charles and Cal-
vert the seventh; each of the said districts shall be
guarded by one sailing vessel, except the third, which
shall be guarded by three, and the sixth and seventh,
which shall be guarded by two; and it shall be the
Duty or deputy
duty of the deputy commander of the first district to
guard the waters of Chester river, belonging to Queen
Anne's county and the waters of Kent county, includ-
ing Swan point bar; and the duty of the commander
of the second district to guard the waters of Eastern