proposed to be located, that the owner or owners,
occupant or occupants, may have priority of claim;
and if they shall fail to locate or appropriate the
water mentioned in said notice, within thirty days
after receiving the same, then it shall be open and
free to any one under the provisions of this section ;
provided also that the said location or appropriation
shall be described by stakes, bushes, and with the
name of the owner on a board fastened to a pole or
stake on or within the appropriated oyster land or
other proper and visible metes and bounds, which
description shall be reduced to writing, under the oath
of some competent surveyor, and recorded at the ex-
pense of the party locating or appropriating the same,
in the office of the clerk of the circuit court in the
county wherein such land may be located; and pro-
vided also that such location and appropriation shall
not injure, obstruct or impede the free navigation ot
said waters; and provided that no natural bar or bed
of oysters shall be so located or appropriated, and
that twelve months peaceable possession of all loca-
tions of oyster grounds under the laws of this state
shall constitute a good and sufficient title thereto;
but should any one within twelve months be charged
with locating or appropriating any natural bed or bar
hereinbefore prohibited, the question may be at once
submitted, by any person interested, to the judge of
the circuit court in the county where such questions
shall arise, who, after having given notice to the par-
ties interested, proceed to hear the testimony and de-
cide the case, and if decision be in favor ot' the party
locating said five acres, said decision shall be recorded
with the original record of said five acres, and shall
Evidence of
in all cases be conclusive evidence of title thereto;
provided also that if any stakes or bushes, used as
bounds, shall be removed, by accident or design, it shall
not excuse any person from wrongfully taking such
oysters if he knew the grounds to have been located
and appropriated; but any title, or pretended title to
more than five acres or otherwise contrary to this sec-
tion, held or claimed by any person, is hereby declared
to be fraudulent and void; provided that no non-resi-
dent of this state shall be entitled to avail himself of
the provisions of this section, whether he be sole or
part owner of any land in this state.