point, opposite, on the north side of said river; pro-
vided that within sixty days from the passage of this
act the said county commissioners shall select two com-
petent and disinterested civil engineers, to whom shall
be referred the plans and specifications for a bridge over
and across said river, now deposited in the office of
the said county commissioners, with directions to
Survey site.
make a careful survey and examination of the site
hereinbefore named and described with reference to said
plans and specifications, and to report to said county
commissioners within thirty days from the date of said
reference as to whether such a bridge as is contem-
plated by the act of eighteen hundred and eighty,
chapter one hundred and sixty-five, and by this sec-
tion, can be constructed in conformity with said plan
and specifications, at said site, for the sum of forty
thousand dollars; and further provided that in case
of disagreement between the two engineers selected
they are hereby authorized to call in a third, who shall
act as umpire between them; and if the said engineers
and umpire shall report that such bridge can be erected
at the said site for the sum of forty thousand dollars,
Duty of com-
it shall be the duty of the said county commissioners,
within twelve months of the receipt of said report, to
cause said bridge to be erected accordingly, but that
such requirement shall be subject to the provisos here-
inafter contained in section two.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the two
aforesaid engineers shall determine that a good and
substantial bridge cannot be constructed at the site
Duty of engi-
before named and described for the sum of forty thou-
sand dollars, that it shall be their duty within sixty
days from the said reference, carefully to inquire and
report to said county commissioners as to the best
available site for such a bridge as is contemplated by
the act of eighteen hundred and eighty, chapter
one hundred and sixty-five, and, by this act, with a
plan and specifications therefor, the cost thereof not
to exceed the sum of forty thousand dollars; and it
shall be the duty of the said county commissioners,
within twelve months of the receipt of such report, to
Erect bridge.
cause to be erected at the site which shall have been
selected such a bridge as is contemplated by the act
of eighteen hundred and eighty, chapter one hundred
and sixty-five, and by this act; provided, first, that
the site so selected shall be approved by the secretary