of the navy of the United States; and second, that
the said county commissioners shall have realized,
within the period fixed, the amount already levied
and collected, or that may hereafter be levied and col-
lected, for the purpose of constructing said bridge, or
so much thereof as may be necessary for such purpose.
SEC. 3. And le it enacted, That this act shall be
liberally construed in aid of chapter one hundred and
How construed
sixty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and eighty
of the general assembly of Maryland, and as supple-
mentary thereto.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 477.
AN ACT to appropriate the sum of twelve hundred
dollars for each of the years eighteen hundred and
eighty-five and eighteen hundred and eighty-six to
F. Knapp's English and German Institute for the
training and education of indigent mutes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of twelve hundred dollars
for each of the years eighteen hundred and eighty-five
and eighteen hundred and eighty-six be and the same
is hereby appropriated out of the moneys in the treas-
ury of the state not otherwise appropriated, to pay F.
Knapp's English and German Institute for the train-
ing and education of indigent mutes.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in. consid-
eration of said appropriation, said F. Knapp's English
and German Institute is hereby required and directed
to maintain the twelve free scholarships heretofore
established in said institute for the training and edu-
Twelve free
cation of indigent mutes, and to train and educate
twelve indigent mutes and to furnish them with neces-
sary text-books, appliances and so forth, and the comp-
troller of the state is hereby empowered to draw his
warrant on the treasurer for the sum of twelve hun-