in the first sec.tion of this act, to employ their seines
upon the beach or shore at any time whilst engaged
in fishing, so as to leave the smaller fish to perish, but
to empty the same in water of sufficient depth to ena-
ble the smaller fish to return to the waters for growth
Return small
fish to waters.
and maturation; and any person or persons using
seines, pound nets, fish-baskets, fykes, traps, or nets
of any class or description that catch the fish alive,
shall immediately cull them and return the small
fish to the waters at the place where they were taken.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That no person or per-
sons other than the bona- fide residents of Kent and
Queen Anne counties shall use any boat or trap of
any kind or description used in catching fish in the
said waters of Chester river and its tributaries in said
counties; provided, however, that persons owning or
Who to fish.
occupying lands in said counties on said river and its
tributaries shall have the right to rent or otherwise
grant to non-residents the privilege of fishing on or
opposite their shores during the fishing season herein-
before limited and fixed; and, further provided, that
the right to take fish with hook and line shall be
allowed to all persons at all times.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That upon the informa-
tion of any citizen of either of said counties, that he
knows or verily believes that any person or persons
have violated any of the provisions of this act, before
any justice of the peace of either of the said counties,
the justice of the peace of said counties shall docket a
Docket case.
case in the name of the state of Maryland against such
person or persons so charged by oath as offending, and
issue a warrant at once to some one of the constables
or the sheriff of such county for the arrest of the party
or parties charged in said oath with such violations of
this act, to be brought before such justice for trial,
and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten
nor more than sixty dollars for each and every offense,
in the discretion of said justice of the peace, one half
of which fine shall be paid to the informer, the other
half to the school fund of the county where such con-
viction was rendered; and in default of payment
of such fine such person or persons so convicted shall
be sent to the county jail where such act was com-
mitted for not less than ten nor more than thirty days,
at the discretion of the justice of the peace.