Chapter 466.
AN ACT to repeal chapter four hundred and eleven
and chapter three hundred and thirty-three of the
acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at the January session, eighteen hundred and eighty-
two, and chapter one hundred and fourteen of the
acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at the January session, eighteen hundred and eighty,
entitled "An act to better regulate the time and
manner of taking and catching fish in the waters of
Chester river and its tributaries lying within the
counties of Kent and Queen Anne's, in this state,
and to re-enact the following in lieu thereof:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any person
or persons to take, capture or destroy fish in the waters
of Chester river or its tributaries in Kent and Queen
Anne's counties by seines, drag-nets, set-nets, fish-bas-
kets, fish-pots, weirs, pound-nets, fykes or any other
When unlawful
means or contrivance whatsoever which is now known
to fish by seiiies
or used in the capturing or destroying fish, or which
may hereafter be invented for that purpose from the
twentieth day of May to the tenth day of September,
. except with hook and line; provided, however, that
seines or nets may be used for the taking of taylors
and mackerel fish, provided the meshes of such nets
or seines are in the bar not less than one and seven-
eighth inches, or in the mesh less than three and three-
quarters inches.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be law-
ful for any person or persons who use stakes or poles
in setting nets of whatever class or description in the
waters mentioned in the first section of this act to
leave such stakes or poles in the waters where they
Remove stakes
and poles.
were used, but shall remove or have removed such
stakes or poles from the waters where they were used
on or before the first day of June in each year, nor
shall they again be put down in said waters prior to
the first day of September following.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall not be law-
ful for any person or persons in said waters mentioned