eient to pay the commissions and salary so allowed.
The said commissions and salary so allowed shall not
be retained by the treasurer out of collections made,
How paid.
but shall be paid him by check as other claims are
paid, and from time to time as such commissions and
salary shall be earned, and in no other manner; com-
missions on uneollected taxes turned over to his suc-
cessor in office shall not be allowed him, but shall be
allowed to the person, who collects the same.
SEC. 200, SUB-SEC. 9. The treasurer shall not be au-
thorized to pay any officer or "other person, being a
Not pay debtor
debtor of the county commissioners aforesaid, or owing
taxes, any salary or other claim against the county
until he shall first have deducted the account due by
such officer or other person to said commissioners, or
for taxes; on all taxes in arrear in the hands of the
treasurer for collection, he shall be charged interest
from the time when the same became due and payable
until collected or accounted for respectively; provided,
that said commissioners may make such exception in
cases where he is prevented from receiving interest by
reason of the pendency of judicial proceedings or
otherwise, as may be right and equitable.
SEC- 200, SUB-SEC. 10. The provisions of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland now in force or
hereafter enacted, applicable to collectors of state and
county taxes, except where the same are repealed by
Applicable to
this act, or are inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, shall be held to apply to the treasurer of said
county, who, as to his powers, rights, duties and lia-
bilities, both civil and criminal, and those of his bond
or bondsmen, shall be in all respects on a footing with
state and county collectors, except as herein provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the appoint-
ment of said treasurer, the persons then holding ap-
Collect and pay
pointments, as tax collectors in said county shall pro-
ceed to collect the taxes which may be then in their
hands for collection, and when collected they shall
pay over the same to the treasurer respectively.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
When effective.
effect from the first day of April, eighteen hundred
and eighty-five, and all acts or parts of acts incon-
sistent therewith are hereby repealed; provided, that
the repeal of the acts hereinbefore mentioned, or of
any portion thereof, shall not affect or impair any suit
or penalty whatsoever now or then existing, or any