duty or obligation on the part of or relating to any
present tax collector in said county; but all such suits
and actions, and all proceedings under the acts hereby
repealed, shall be prosecuted and proceeded with to
Not affect suits
final determination and judgment or final order, and
all other proceedings proper to be had, shall be had in
relation to such suits, actions or proceedings, or in re-
lation to such duties or obligations, as if the acts re-
pealed hereby had not been repealed, and as if this
act had not been passed.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 463.
AN ACT to protect oysters in the waters of the trib-
utaries of the Potomac river, bordering upon the
shores of Saint Mary's and Charles counties.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any per-
Unlawful to
son or persons to employ any canoe, boat or vessel in
take oysters.
catching or taking oysters with scoop, scrape, drag or
dredge, or any similar instrument within the waters of
the tributaries of the Potomac river bordering upon
the shores of Saint Mary's and Charles counties, in
this state, from the most eastern point of the head-
laud, known as Posey's Bluff, to a buoy near the
southern or southeastern point or prong of Herron
Island, thence to a buoy near the end of Cobb Point
bar, thence to Piney Point light-house, thence to the
end of Saint George's Island bar, thence to Cornfield
Point, in Saint Mary's county; and from the eastern
extremity of Posey's Bluff, running along the Poto-
mac river, including all the tributaries of said river in
Charles county as far as Nanjemoy creek, nor shall
any person or persons take or catch oysters for sale
within said waters otherwise than with tongs, as re-
stricted and regulated by the provisions of the general
oyster law in force in this state.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons violating the provisions of this act shall be fined