lected. The said commissioners, in their discretion,
at any time after the expiration of the term of any
such treasurer, or at the final settlement aforesaid,
may direct and require him to deliver over to his
successor in office all balances of collectable taxes
due upon the levies with which he was charged,
and also so to deliver over the notices as returned
Deliver to suc-
by constables, levies and other proceedings had for
the enforcement of the payment of said taxes; and
in such case the said successor, or newly-elected
and qualified treasurer, upon the delivery to him of
the bills for such taxes, shall be empowered and re-
quired to enforce the payment of said taxes in the
same manner as his predecessor could have done, and
he shall have all the powers and authority in law with
which his predecessor was clothed for that purpose ;
in such case the bond or bonds of the newly-elected or
Bond responsi-
succeeding treasurer shall become responsible for the
proper collection and disbursement of such taxes, and
the bond or bonds of the retiring or retired treasurer
shall be released from responsibility therefor; pro-
vided, that no treasurer's bond shall be considered as
released or be canceled until, in one mode or the
other, he has fully settled his accounts secured there-
by, and fulfilled the duties of his said office.
SEC. 200, SUB-SEC. 8. The said treasurer shall be
entitled, as compensation for his services, to a com-
mission, to be fixed by the county commissioners, of
not more than two and one-half (2 1/2) per centum on
the amount of taxes levied for county purposes
and actually collected by him; and also to the
commission allowed by existing laws to the col-
lectors of state taxes; and the said commissions
shall be in full for the services rendered by
such treasurer in the discharge of the duties of his
office, and no extra compensation shall be flowed him
or claimed by him, except such costs and fees herein
before specified, as may accrue in the enforcement of
the payment of taxes, and for assessing new prop-
erty; provided that the said commissioners may, in
their discretion, and if they shall deem it necessary to
the proper discharge of the duties of his office, allow
him for the salary of a clerk or deputy a sum of money
Allow for clerk
not to exceed six hundred dollars per annum; and
the said commissioners are authorized and directed, in
their several annual levies, to levy an amount suffi-