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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 594   View pdf image (33K)
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drawn, together with the names selected as grand

jurors, to be duly recorded in a proper book in the

Record names

order in which they shall have been chosen, and in

in hook.

which said judge or judges shall have seen them drawn

as aforesaid, which said judge or judges so attending

said drawing shall certify at the foot of said list to

have been done.

SEC. 605. The twenty-five names first drawn from

said drawing-wheel, as so caused to be recorded by the

Jurors for su-

said judge or judges, shall constitute and be the jurors

perior court.

for the superior court of Baltimore city for the three

weeks to ensue after the commencement of the next

term of said court.

SEC. 606. The twenty-five names drawn next in

order as aforesaid, as so caused to be recorded by the

Jurors for crim-

said judge or judges, shall constitute and be the jurors

inal court.

for the criminal court of Baltimore for the three weeks

to ensue after the commencement of the next term

of said court.

SEC. 607. The twenty-five names drawn next in order

as aforesaid, as so caused to be recorded by the said

Jurors for the

judge or judges, shall constitute and be the jurors for

Baltimore city


the Baltimore city court, for the three weeks to ensue

after the commencement of the next term of said


SEC. 607 A. The twenty-five names drawn next in

order as aforesaid, as so caused to be recorded by the

Jurors for the

said judge or judges, shall constitute and be the jurors

court of com-
mon pleas.

for the court of common pleas, for the three weeks to

ensue after the commencement of the next term of

said court.

SEC. 608. After four hundred of the names in the

box shall have been drawn, as provided by section six

Duty of judge.

hundred and four, it shall be the duty of said judge or

judges who shall have attended said drawing, to cause

the names of the said several panel, and the names of the

other persons drawn as aforesaid, to be entered in two

books, in addition to the book provided in section six

Jury books.

hundred and four, in the order in which the said panels

and the names as aforesaid were drawn, and the said

books shall be certified by the judge or judges who

shall have attended said drawing, to be true copies of

the book prescribed in section six hundred and four,

and said books shall be denominated jury books for

Baltimore city.

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 594   View pdf image (33K)
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