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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 593   View pdf image (33K)
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and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted to

read as follows:

SEC. 602. Be it enacted. In order to assist the said

judges in making out the list of jurors aforesaid, the

collector of taxes of the city of Baltimore shall, before

the first day of February, in each and every year,

lodge with the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore

city, for the use of said judges, a certified list of so

Certified list of

many of the taxable male inhabitants, resident in the

male taxpayers

said city, as he may have been directed to furnish by

the order of said judges, or of a majority of them, setting

out their names and places of residence, so far as the

same may be ascertained; and the said collector shall

receive for such service a compensation to be fixed by

said judges, and he shall be paid as jurors are paid.

SEC. 604 Be it enacted, The said judges of the

supreme bench of Baltimore city, or one or more of

them, shall, at one or more of the meetings provided for

in the last preceding section of this article, after the

selection of the grand jurors for the city of Baltimore,

as provided in the last preceding section, cause all the

names selected by the judges as aforesaid remaining

upon said list of qualified jurors to be inscribed upon

ballots, which shall be of equal size, color and ap-

pearance, and shall be closely folded, and shall be

placed by one of such judges, with his own hands, on

the day of said meeting, and immediately before the

drawing herein provided for, in a drawing-wheel, to

be provided for that purpose by the sheriff of Balti-

more city, under the direction of said judges; the said

Mode of draw-

judge or judges shall then cause the said sheriff, or

ing jurors.

such one of his depiities as he shall designate, to ap-

pear before them or him; and it shall be the duty of

the said sheriff or his said deputy, in the presence and

in the immediate view of the said judge or judges, and

of such other person or persons as may choose to attend,

to draw one by one from said wheel the ballots con-

tained therein until four hundred of said ballots have

been drawn therefrom; and the said judge or judges

shall cause the said wheel to be turned upon its axis

before the commencement of said drawing, and after

the ballots have been deposited therein, and after the

drawing of each ballot, and before the drawing of the

next, until four hundred of said ballots shall have

been drawn; and said judge or judges shall forthwith

cause the names appearing upon the said ballots as


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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 593   View pdf image (33K)
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