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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 595   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 609. When the said jury books shall have been

prepared and certified as directed in the foregoing sec-

tion, it shall be the duty of the said judge or judges

by whom the same shall have been so certified, to

cause one of the said books to be deposited in the cus-

Books— where

tody of the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore


city, and one in the custody of the sheriff of Balti-

more city, and one shall be retained by the said judges

of the supreme bench of Baltimore city, or by such

one of their number as they shall appoint, for the

purpose of verifying the lists of persons so delivered

as aforesaid to the clerks or the sheriff of Baltimore

city. And when the said book shall have been deliv-

ered to the said sheriff, he shall immediately sum-

Sheriff shall

mon the several jurors drawn for the several panels


named in the said book, to serve in the court for

which they have been respectively drawn, at such

time as shall be designated by the court. And in addi-

tion to summoning the said jurors for the said several

panels, the said sheriff shall also summon such addi-

tional number of persons, whose names are set down

in said book, and as nearly as may be in the order in

which their names are so set down, as the said judges

of the supreme bench, or a majority of them, shall

direct, to appear in the room of the superior court of

Baltimore city at the same time with the panel for

said court. And the said additional number of jurors

shall constitute a reserve from which, without further

Reserve jurors.

summons, jurors may be selected to serve in lieu of

any persons drawn for the regular panels of said court

as aforesaid, who may not be found, fail to appear, are

legally disabled, or are excused or excluded from at-

tending, so that the panels may be completed by

selecting from said reserve in the following order: First,

for the superior court of Baltimore city; second, the

criminal court of Baltimore; third, the Baltimore city

court; and fourth, the court of common pleas. And

until said panels have been completed, said reserves

shall be required, upon the order of the several courts,

When panels

to proceed from one to the other in the order above

are complete.

mentioned; and when all said panels have been com-

pleted, those persons summoned for such reserve and

not empanneled, shall be discharged, but shall not

thereby be excused from service when resummoned,

and in empanneling jurors for said reserve, their

names shall be called in the order in which they appear

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 595   View pdf image (33K)
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