Chapter 449.
AN ACT to give the sanction of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland to the devise and bequest in the
last will and testament of Patrick McKanna late,
of the City of Baltimore, deceased.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sanction of the assembly be
and it is hereby given to the devise and bequest in
Sanction to
and by the last will and testament of Patrick
McKanna, late of said city of Baltimore, to Luther
M. Reynolds and Charles Griffith, executors or trus-
tees, for the purpose of buying a lot and erecting a
church thereon in the city of Baltimore.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 450.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
sections six hundred and two, six hundred and four,
six hundred and five, six hundred and six, six hun-
dred and seven, six hundred and seven A, six hun-
dred and eight, six hundred and nine, six hundred
and ten, six hundred and twelve, six hundred and
fourteen and six hundred and fourteen A of the
fourth article of the Code of Public Local Laws
relating to jurors in the city of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections six hundred and two, six
hundred and four, six hundred and five, six hundred
and six, six hundred and seven, six hundred and seven
Repealed and
A, six hundred and eight, six hundred and nine, six
hundred and ten, six hundred and twelve, six hun-
dred and fourteen and six hundred and fourteen A of
the fourth article of the Code of Public Local Law,
and which relate to jurors in the city of Baltimore, be