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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 588   View pdf image (33K)
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Chapter 446.

AN ACT to provide for the granting of licenses for

selling, buying, bartering, exchanging and dealing

in horses, mares, geldings, jackasses, jennies and

mules in the city of Baltimore, and to prohibit and

punish the carrying on of any such business without

first obtaining the same.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That it shall be unlawful for any

person or persons, copartnership, firm, corporation,


joint stock company, brokers, commission merchants,

agents, factors or other association of persons to

engage in or carry on the business, trade, occupation

or calling of bartering, buying, selling, exchanging or

dealing in horses, rnares, geldings, jackasses, jennies

or mules either as an individual copartnership, firm,

corporation, joint stock company, commission mer-

chant, agent, factor, broker or other association for

said purpose, without first obtaining from the clerk of

the court of common pleas of Baltimore city a license

for carrying on said business, for which every such

person, if he or she desires to carry on said business

Cost of license

individually, or if a firm or association composed of

for horse trad-

not more than two persons or corporation, shall pay


the sum of fifty dollars, provided that all the names

and places of business of said person or persons so

applying shall be inserted in said license; and if more

than two individuals constitute and compose any such

firm, copartnership, joint stock company or association,


then an additional sum of twenty-five dollars shall be

paid for each and every other individual than the said

two constituting such firm, copartnership, joint stock

company or association of individuals; and provided

further, that the said business shall not be carried on

in any of the streets, lanes and alleys of the city of


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or

persons, and the individual members of any copartner-

ship or firm, the stockholders of any joint stock com-

pany or corporation, and any commission merchant,

agent, factor, broker or the individuals of any other

association of persons so engaged in or carrying on

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 588   View pdf image (33K)
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