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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 589   View pdf image (33K)
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the business, trade, occupation or calling of bartering,

buying, selling, exchanging or dealing in horses, mares,

geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules, who or which

shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be

liable to indictment therefor, and upon conviction

thereof shall be fined one hundred dollars for each


and every offense, one-half thereof for the use of the

state and the other half thereof to the informer, pro-

vided, however, that nothing contained in this act

shall be construed to prevent breeders and owners of

horses, mares, geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules

and owners residing in the counties of this state and

doing their business elsewhere than the city of Balti-

Owners may

more, and all owners who do not follow the business,


trade, occupation or calling of buying, vending, bar-

tering, exchanging or dealing in horses, mares,

geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules, from offering

the same for sale, barter or exchange, or making sale

of bartering or exchanging such horses, mares,

geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules, as they shall

bring to the city of Baltimore without a license, and

nothing contained in this act shall be held to apply to

regularly licensed auctioneers in the city of Baltimore.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or

persons, body or bodies corporate owning or renting

from the owner or owners, or his or their agents, any

building or buildings, enclosure or enclosures, within

the corporate limits of Baltimore city, and using the

same in buying, selling, trading, exchanging, bartering

or dealing in horses, geldings, mares or mules, or using

Who are deal-

the same in exhibiting or exposing for sale, trade,

exchange or barter, horses, geldings, mares or mules,

shall be deemed to be engaged in the business, trade,

occupation and calling of buying, selling, trading,

exchanging, bartering and dealing in horses, geldings,

marcs and mules, under this act, and be held liable

for a violation of any of its provisions.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take


effect from the date of its passage.

Approved April 8, 1884.

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
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