two hundred and ninety-four, of the acts passed Jan-
uary session eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled
" An act to add additional sections to the Code of
Public Local Laws for Charles county, under the head
of "Roads," and re-enact the same with amendments,
and to add a sub-section thereto.
SECTION 93. The county commissioners of Charles
county shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to
provide for the repairs of all public roads and bridges
Repair bridges
of said county, and to that end shall levy upon the
and roads.
assessable property of the county, and pay the expen-
ditures for such repairs and all incidental expenses
arising therefrom; provided, such expenditure shall
not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars for any
one year; and they shall divide the county into road
districts, and the roads into sections, and appoint
supervisors over the same at a fixed annual compen-
sation of three hundred dollars, who shall hold their
places during the term of office of said commissioners,
and until their successors are appointed; and it shall
be the duty of said supervisors to keep in repair the
Duty of super-
roads and bridges of said county, under the direction
and regulation of said commissioners; for any neglect
of duty, they shall be subject to removal from office,
and to deduction from their compensation by said
commissioners, and for that or any other malfeasance
in office, be also liable to indictment in the circuit
court for said county.
SUB-SECTION 1. That the wages allowed for the pay-
ment of laborers hired to work on said roads shall not
be less than one dollar per day, and it shall be the
Wages of road
duty of the county commissioners to provide for the
payment of said laborers in cash within one month
after such work has been rendered.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect on and after the first day of March, eighteen
When effective.
hundred and eighty-five.
Approved April 8, 1884.