out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, which sum shall be paid — one thousand dol-
lars on the first days of June and December of the
years eighteen hundred and eighty-four to eighteen
hundred and eighty-five, both inclusive.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, The archives of Mary-
land, published by the said society, with the funds
Subject to pro-
herein provided, shall be subject to the provisions of
the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, chapter
one hundred and thirty-eight, and the society shall
make to each general assembly the report thereby
required; provided that the said Maryland Historical
Society is hereby authorized to have enough copies of
each volume printed to supply the members of the
society and its exchanges by paying therefor the actual
cost of paper, press work and binding the same; and
provided further that ten copies of each volume of the
archives published by said Maryland Historical Society
shall be bound in cloth and deposited in the state
library for the use thereof.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 480.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
section ninety-three of article nine of the Code of
Public Local Laws, entitled " Charles County," sub-
title " Roads," as amended by chapter two hundred
and ninety-four of the acts passed January session
eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled " An act to
add additional sections to the Code of Public Local
Laws for Charles county, under the head of Roads,"
and to add a sub-section thereto.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
Repealed and
of Maryland, That section ninety-three of article nine
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Charles
County," sub-title " Roads," as amended by chapter