Chapter 407.
AN ACT for the prevention of fraud in canned
goods, and for the protection of consumers thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of the State of Maryland, That any person, firm or
corporation, now engaged or who may hereafter engage
Stamp cap of
in the business of canned fruits, vegetables and other
products, and who shall can or preserve in cans by her-
metically sealing any description of fruits or vegetables
that have been previously evaporated or dried by the
application of heat, and known under the general name
of dried fruits and vegetables, shall stamp, or caused to
be stamped in the cap covering the mouth of the can
into which the said dried fruits or vegetables are to
be put up or canned, the following words " Soaked
goods," as also the bona fide name of the person, firm
Soaked goods.
or corporation canning the said dried fruits or vegeta-
bles, and the said words to be stamped in the cap of
the can shall be of letters not less than three-six-
teenths of one inch in height, and one-sixteenth of an
inch in breadth.
SEC. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, who shall
neglect to comply with the provisions of section one
of this act, and every person or persons who shall ren-
der illegible, conceal or hide in any manner the words
to be stamped in the cap of the can, as mentioned in
section one of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and shall for every such offense forfeit
and pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars,
to be recovered by indictment in any court of this
state having competent jurisdiction for the trial of
misdemeanors; and one-half of said fine shall be paid
to the informer, and the other half into the treasury
of the state.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect on the first day of July, eighteen
When effective.
hundred and eighty-four.
Approved April 8, 1884.