transferable in such manner as may be provided by
the by-laws of said company, and each share shall en-
title the holder to one vote in all meetings of the
stockholders of said company, to be given either in
Capital stock.
person or by proxy. Payments may be made for the
whole or any part of the subscriptions to said stock
either in money or such lands as may be necessary to
the successful working of said company, or easements
or other property, at such price and valuation as may
be agreed on by those receiving said subscriptions.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.
Chapter 302.
AN ACT to repeal chapter seventy-one of the acts
of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled " An
act to add to the forty-first article of the Code of
Public General Laws, in relation to Fish and Fish-
eries, the following additional sections relating to
the waters of the Potomac river lying between the
mouth of New creek and Weaverton dam."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That chapter seventy-one of the acts
of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled " An
act to add to the forty-first article of the Code of
Public General Laws, in relation to fish and fisheries,
the following additional sections relating to the waters
of the Potomac river lying between the mouth of
New creek and Weaverton dam," be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Approved April 8, 1884.