stamped, branded, stenciled, marked or labeled, or in
any case of retail sale without delivery of a label re-
quired by section first of this act, shall for each such
offence forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollars,
of flue.
to be recovered by indictment in any court of this
state of competent jurisdiction for the trial of misde-
meanors; and the one-half of such fine, when paid, to
go to the informer, and the residue to be paid into the
treasury of the state.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That every person who shall
sell, or offer or expose for sale, or who shall cause
or procure to be sold, or offered or exposed for sale
any article or substance required by the first section
of this act to be stamped, branded, stenciled, marked
Guilty of mis-
or labeled, not so stamped, branded, stenciled, marked
or labeled, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be imprisoned in the jail of the city or county in which
the sale was made for not less than ten nor more than
thirty days, in the discretion of the court, for the first
offence, and not less than thirty or more than ninety
days for the second offence, and not less than three
months or more than one year for the third offence ;
and on trial for such misdemeanor proof of the sale or
offer or exposure alleged shall be presumptive evidence
of knowledge of the character of the article so sold
or offered or exposed.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That all oleomargarine sold
by the pound, piece or parcel in the public mar-
kets of the city of Baltimore shall be in conformity
Sold in markets
with section one of this act, and any person selling or
offering or exposing oleomargarine for sale, not in
accordance with section one, shall forfeit the same, and
it shall be seized and taken by the clerk of the respec-
tive markets and sold for the use of the city.
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the mayor and city
council of Baltimore shall have full authority to pass
Authorized to
all ordinances necessary to carry into effect the powers
pass ordinance.
granted by the preceding section, and to impose such
fines and penalties as they may deem necessary and
proper for the enforcement thereof.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1884.