SECTION 1. That every person who shall manufac-
ture for sale, or who shall offer or expose for sale, any
article or substance in semblance of butter or cheese,
not the legitimate and direct product of the dairy,
and not made exclusively of milk or cream, but into
which the oil or fat of animals, not produced from
milk or cream, enters as a component part, or into
Manufacture of
which melted butter or any oil thereof has been intro-
duced to take the place of cream, shall prominently,
distinctly and durably stamp, brand or stencil upon
the top or tops, side or sides, and bottom or bottoms
of each and every tub, firkin, box or package of such
article or substance, the word oleomargarine in plain
Roman letters, not less than half an inch square,
placed horizontally in proper order, thus —
So as to be conspicuous in any position in which the
package or packages may be placed; and in each and
every retail sale of such article or substance, the seller
shall deliver to the purchaser a written, printed or
Label to pur-
stenciled label bearing the written, printed or stenciled
word oleomargarine, in type or letters as aforesaid, to
wit: In plain Roman letters not less than half an
inch square, placed horizontally in proper order, thus —
Conspicuously on the outside of each and every par-
cel, piece or package so sold that the buyer shall be
apprised of the nature of the article which he or she
has bought; and every sale of each, and every imita-
tion of butter, known to the trade as oleomargarine,
Stamp every
on any of its genus, whether butterine, suene or any
piece, &c.
name that may be given or applied to it or them,
either wholesale or retail, not so stamped, branded,
stenciled, marked or labeled, shall be void, and no
action or actions shall be maintained for the price
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That every person who shall
sell or offer to sell, or have in his or her possession
with intent to sell, contrary to the provisions of this
act, any of the said article or substance required by
the first section of this act to be stamped, branded,
stenciled, marked or labeled as therein stated, not so