no trade or occupation, and have no visible means of
support, and commit them to said almshouse, there to
be kept at hard labor for any term not exceeding three
months, and the overseer shall receive and employ
them according to the tenor of the commitment.
SEC. 24. If any person shall sell or dispose of any
Shall forfeit.
strong liquor to any inmate of said almshouse, he shall
forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars.
SEC. 25. All the pains, penalties and forfeitures im-
posed by this law shall be recovered in the circuit
Penalties— how
court for Frederick county by action of debt or in-
dictment, one-half to the informer and the other half
to the use of the almshouse for said county.
SEC. 26. All sheriffs, bailiffs, constables and other
Shall assist
officers shall assist the commissioners of charities and
corrections, and the officers by them appointed, in the
discharge of their respective duties.
SEC. 27. If any person shall at any time be sued or
prosecuted for any matter or thing by him done in
pursuance of this law, or any thing therein contained,
he may plead the general issue, and give the special
matter in evidence in his defence; and if the plaintiff
in case of suit.
shall be non suit, or discontinue, or if the defendant
upon trial shall have verdict, he shall recover treble
costs, and if the plaintiff be unable to pay them,
they shall be paid by the attorney who brought the
suit, unless the plaintiff shall give security for the
costs, to be approved by the court.
SEC. 28. The treasurer of said commissioners of
charities and corrections shall receive a salary for his
services not exceeding three hundred dollars per
annum, to be fixed by said commissioners.
SEC. 29. The bonds executed by the treasurer and
Bond filed.
overseer or keeper of the almshouse, shall be filed and
recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court
for Frederick county.
SEC. 30. It shall be the duty of said commissioners
of charities and corrections, every three months, to
advertise for sealed proposals for furnishing all sup-
plies and provisions necessary for the support and
Advertise for
maintenance of the inmates of the almshouse, and all
persons committed to the jail of Frederick county,
and for all fuel needed for said almshouse and jail ;
and to award the contract or contracts therefor to the
lowest reponsible bidder, who shall give bond to said
commissioners, in such penalty as they may prescribe,