true, to be administered by any one of the com-
missioners of charities and corrections.
SEC. 18. The overseer shall keep a list all poor,
beggars, vagrants, vagabonds, and other offenders, who
shall be committed to said almshouse, and regular ac-
Keep list of
counts of all materials and other things that may come
poor, &c.
to his hands as overseer, and shall lay said lists and
accounts before the commissioners of charities and
corrections, or the majority of them when required.
SEC. 19. He shall compel all the inmates of said
Inmates to
almshouse, if of sufficient ability, to work.
SEC. 20. Upon complaint made that any person from
his disorderly conduct gives disturbance to a neigh-
borhood, and is likely to become chargeable to the
county, any justice of the peace of the county, if upon
hearing the party he shall adjudge the complaint to
Commit disor-
derly persons.
be well founded, may commit such disorderly person
to the almshouse for any time not exceding three
months, unless he shall find security, at the discretion
of the justice, in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars
for his good behavior for the space of six months.
SEC. 21. The commissioners of charities and correc-
tions of Frederick county shall have full power and
Authority to
receive paupers
authority to receive into the almshouse or Montevue
hospital all such lunatics or insane persons or paupers
as may be committed thereto by any of the courts of
any state, and also all such lunatic or insane persons
who may be placed in said hospital by their friends
for safe-keeping or treatment, and shall be enti-
tled to receive as compensation for the board, treat-
ment and support of such person such compensation
as may be reasonable and just, to be paid by the county
commissioners of the counties from which such persons
may be sent, when committed by the order of any
court, and to be paid by the friends, relations, trustees
or committees of such lunatic or insane persons, when
such persons shall be placed in said hospital by such
friends, relations, trustees or committees.
SEC. 22. Any one commissioner of charities and
Who may di-
corrections may, in writing, direct the admission of
any poor person into said almshouse.
SEC. 23. Any justice of the peace for said county,
and any person by him authorized, may apprehend or
cause to be apprehended any rogues, vagrants, vaga-
Justice may
bonds, beggars and other idle and disorderly persons
found loitering or residing in said county, who follow