for the faithful performance of such contract or con-
tracts, and no one of said commissioners shall be
allowed to be a bidder for any such contract, or be in-
terested therein directly or indirectly; and they shall
have full power to make such provisions for the main-
tenance and support of the inmates of said jail and
almshouse as they may deem necessary, until the con-
tracts hereinbefore provided for can be made.
SEC. 31. It shall be the duty of the county commis-
sioners of Frederick county to levy, for the use of the
said commissioners of charities and corrections, annu-
ally such sum or sums of money as said commission-
ers of charities and corrections may estimate to be
Duty to levy.
necessary for the purposes specified in the foregoing
sections of this article, and to pay over to said com-
missioners of charities and corrections the sum so
levied, in equal quarterly instalments, beginning with
the end of the first three months succeeding said levy.
SEC. 32. It shall be the duty of said commissioners
of charities and corrections annually, in the month of
January, to submit, under their oaths or affirmations,
to the county commissioners of Frederick county a
detailed statement of all receipts and disbursements of
Submit state-
every kind whatsoever, and shall file with said county
commissioners at said time all vouchers and copies of
all contracts under which money has been expended,
and a full list of the names of all persons confined in
jail, for whose support and maintenance said commis-
sioners of charities and corrections have provided.
SEC. 33. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of Fred-
erick county to furnish, under oath, once each month,
Duty of sheriff.
to said commissioners of charities and corrections, a
full and complete list of the names and descriptions
of all persons confined in the jail of Frederick county,
with a statement of the length of time and offence for
which they are committed, and the name of the officer
by whom committed. For any neglect by the sheriff
to comply with this or any other section of this article
he shall be subject, upon indictment and conviction,
to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars.
SEC. 34. It shall be the duty of said sheriff to ex-
hibit to said commissioners of charities and corrections,
whenever demanded by them, or by either of them,
Duty of sheriff.
all books, papers and commitments kept by him per-
taining to prisoners in the jail of Frederick county ;
and it shall likewise be his duty to keep a correct and