SEC. 4. In case of vacancies happening by non-
acceptance, death, resignation, removal out of the
county, or disqualification of any of said commission-
ers from any cause, the vacancy shall be filled by the
county commissioners.
SEC. 5. No person who has not the qualifications to
be a member of the general assembly shall be eligible
as such commissioner.
SEC. 6. They shall, have charge of, and control over
the almshouse and the property pertaining thereto,
Control and
and they shall also make all contracts for furnishing
supplies for the support and maintenance of all persons
committed to the jail of Frederick county.
SEC. 7. They shall have power to make such laws,
orders and rules for the better relieving, regulating
and setting the poor to work, and punishing vagrants,
Make laws &c.
beggars, vagabonds and other offenders, and for the
good government of the almshouse in said county, as
to them shall seem proper.
SEC. 8. They shall purchase, for the use and em-
ployment of the inmates of said almshouse, sufficient
Purchase neces-
beds, bedding, working tools, kitchen utensils, cows,
horses and other necessaries, and shall keep a regular
account of all moneys expended by them.
SEC. 9. They shall meet as often as necessity may
require, either at the almshouse or at the court-house
Meetings —
in said county, and they shall receive a compensation
of two dollars per day each for every day they may be
in session.
SEC. 10. They shall, in January in each year, appoint
some suitable person to be overseer or keeper of the
almshouse and manager of the farm connected there-
Appoint em-
with, and they shall appoint such other and so many
officers and employees as they may deem requisite,
and fix and establish their compensation.
SEC. 11. They may remove such overseer or keeper
and any other officer or employee at their discretion,
Power to re-
and appoint another or others in his or their place, at
any time during the year, whenever in their judgment
the interests of the county may require it.
SEC. 12. They shall allow such overseer or keeper
such salary or compensation for his services as they
shall deem reasonable.
SEC. 13. They shall require such overseer or keeper,
before entering upon the discharge of his duties, to
Require bond.
enter into a bond, with security by them approved,