upon other railroads whose charters do not exempt
the same from taxation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in the exercise by
said company of the powers of condemnation of prop-
erty in the counties for said lateral railroads, and for
said Philadelphia Branch Railroad, the circuit courts
Powers of cir-
shall have the same powers in relation to any inquisi-
cuit courts in
tion made and returned by the jury of inquest of
damages, summoned in the manner provided by the
act to which this is a supplement, and the amendments
and supplements thereto, which by said acts are con-
ferred upon the county courts; but in all proceedings
for the condemnation of property for said lateral rail-
roads and said Philadelphia Branch Railroad, made
under the authority of this act, and the act to which this
Power to con-
is a supplement, and the amendments and supplements
thereto, the respective courts to which the inquisi-
tions are returned shall have full power to confirm
said inquisitions at any time after the return of the
same to the respective clerks of said courts, if no suf-
ficient cause to the contrary be shown; but thirty days
Time to file ob-
after such return shall be allowed in which to file
objections to the confirmation of said inquisitions.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1884.