Chapter 333.
AN ACT supplementary to the act of eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-six, chapter one hundred and
twenty-three, entitled "An act to incorporate the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company," and to
authorize the construction of Lateral Railroads from
its Philadelphia Branch Railroad, and to regulate
the mode of condemning property by said Railroad
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
B. & O.R.R. au-
thorized to con-
Company be and it is hereby authorized and empow-
struct railroads
ered to construct lateral railroads in any direction
whatsoever in connection with its Philadelphia Branch
Railroad, which said Philadelphia Branch Railroad
said company is now constructing from a connection
with its main stem in the city of Baltimore to the
boundary line between Delaware and Maryland, in
the county of Cecil; but said company shall only con-
struct said lateral railroads in connection with said
Where in Balti-
more city.
Philadelphia Branch Railroad in that part of the city
of Baltimore known as "Canton," and opposite
" Locust Point," in said city, and south of Toone street,
and in the following counties, namely, Baltimore,
Harford, Cecil and the other counties upon the Eastern
Shore of Maryland; and in the location of any part of
said lateral railroads said company may, with the
assent of the county commissioners, occupy any public
highway in said counties, upon such terms as said
county commissioners may prescribe; and in the con-
struction, use and operation of said lateral railroads,
Rights, powers
and privileges.
said company shall have all the rights, powers and
privileges given to it by the said act to which this is
a supplement, and the several amendments and sup-
plements thereto, in relation to the construction, use
and operation of its main line and the branches thereof,
together with the right and power of crossing other
railroads, and condemning an easement therefor, as
provided by the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-
Subject to tax-
two, chapter two hundred and twenty-three; but any
lateral road so constructed shall be subject to the same
state, county and municipal taxation as is imposed