Chapter 225.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of Police Commis-
sioners of the city of Baltimore to appoint one
woman for each station house in said city, to act as
matron for female prisoners and refugees therein.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the board of police commissioners
of Baltimore shall have power, in their discretion, to
Appoint ma-
appoint for each station house in said city a suitable
tron for station
woman as matron, and when so appointed shall sup-
ply her with a furnished office room in said station
SEC. 2. The said matrons shall be appointed to
serve for four years respectively, subject to removal
Term of ap-
for cause, after a hearing by the board, which is here-
by invested with exclusive jurisdiction in the prem-
SEC. 3. The duties of each matron shall be to give
such care and advice and to perform such other police
Duties of ma-
duties as may be requisite and proper to the female
prisoners and refugees in the station house for which
said matron shall have been appointed.
SEC. 4. Each of said matrons shall receive a salary
of ten dollars a week, to be paid out of any fund
Salary — how
which has been or may hereafter be accumulated by
fines and forfeitures imposed and collected by the
police justices of the peace in said city.
Approved April 8, 1884.