Chapter 166.
AN ACT to repeal sections one, three, seven, eight
and eleven of the Public Local Laws, entitled
" Prince George's county," sub-title "Almshouse,"
and re-enact the same so as to read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections one, three, seven, eight
Repealed and
and eleven of the Public Ldcal Laws, entitled " Prince
George's county," sub-title "Almshouse," be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read
as follows :
SEC. 1, The county commissioners of Prince George's
county shall, at their first meeting in the month
Appoint trus-
of May, in each year, appoint five discreet persons,
tees for poor.
inhabitants of said county, to be trustees of the poor
in said county.
SEC. 3. The said trustees shall, under the penalty
of twenty-five dollars each, accept said office, and shall
meet at the almshouse in said county on the iirst
Monday of June thereafter, except prevented by sick-
ness or other inavoidable accident, and in such case,
as soon thereafter as the disability is removed, and
qualify by taking the following oath : " I, A. B., do
swear that I will duly and faithfully discharge the
duties and trusts committed to me as a trustee of the
poor for Prince George's county, according to the best
of my skill and knowledge, so help me God," which
oath is to be administered by any one of the five trus-
tees to the others, any one of whom being sworn shall
administer the same to him.
SEC. 7. The county commissioners shall fill all vacan-
cies that may occur in the office of trustees, and it
how filled.
shall be the duty of the said trustees to supertend all