Chapter 153.
AN ACT to repeal chapter thirty-one of the acts
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and
eighty, entitled " An act to amend chapter thirty
of the Code of Public General Laws of this State,
title ' Crimes and Punishments,' by adding thereto
certain additional sections, under the sub-title
' Tramps,' " so far as the same applies to Frederick
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section thirty-one of the acts of
January session, eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled
" An act to amend article thirty of the Code of
how far re-
Public General Laws of this State, title ' Crimes and
Punishments,' by adding thereto certain additional
sections, under the sub-title of ' Tramps,' " be and the
same is hereby repealed so far as it applies to Fred-
erick county.
Approved March 31, 1884.
Chapter 153.
AN ACT supplemental to the act incorporating the
Western Maryland Railroad Company, authorizing
said company to become lessee of railroads belong-
ing to, or constructed by other railroad companies,
to purchase such railroads, and to acquire and hold
shares of the capital stock, and guarantee the bonds
of such companies.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Western Maryland Railroad
Company be and it is hereby authorized and em-
powered to accept a lease, and become lessee of all or
Empowered to
accept lease.
of any part of any railroad owned or constructed, or
that may hereafter be owned or constructed by any
railroad company now, or hereafter to be incorporated