under the laws of this state, or of any other state;
provided, that the railroad of which it may so become
lessee, shall be a road connecting with, or in extension
of the railroad of said Western Maryland Railroad
Company, or of one of its branches, or connecting with
or in extension of a railroad leased, owned or operated
by said Western Maryland Railroad Company; the
What to in-
leases hereby authorized to be accepted, may include
any branches of the roads so leased, and the shops,
depots, buildings, elevators, wharves, piers, vessels and
other property of such roads and their branches, and
may be for such periods, and upon such terms as may
be agreed upon between the parties thereto, and shall
operate to confer upon said Western Maryland Rail-
road Company all the powers to use and operate the
roads and property so leased, as the lessor or lessors
thereof, may possess; said Western Maryland Railroad
Company is further authorized to contract with any
of the companies whose roads and other property it is
hereby empowered to lease, for the purchase of such
roads and other property, or any part thereof, and to
purchase the same, and receive conveyance thereof,
and shall thereby acquire such rights to hold and use
the property so conveyed or purchased as the vendor
or vendors thereof may possess; provided, however,
that no such lease or contract of purchase shall be
How sanc-
entered into until the same shall have been sanctioned
by the holders of a majority of the shares of the capital
stock of said Western Maryland Railroad Company,
represented in person, or by proxy, at a general or
special meeting of its stockholders, convened accord-
ing to the terms of its charter.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Western Mary-
land Railroad Company shall have power to purchase
and hold, with all the rights of owners, shares of the
How or to pur-
capital stock of any of the railroad companies whose
chase and hold.
lines said Western Maryland Railroad Company is
hereby authorized to lease, and to guarantee the pay-
ment of the principal and interest of any mortgage
bonds of said railroad companies.
Approved March 27, 1884.