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Session Laws, 1884 Session
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mortgage, or sell and convey, such property in the

same manner as said religious corporations.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted as aforesaid,


That this act shall take effect from the date of its


Approved March 4, 1884.

Chapter 20.

AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of

Harford County to divide the first election district

of Harford county into two election precincts, and to

designate Abingdon and Magnolia as the places of

holding elections in said precincts.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That the county commissioners of Har-

ford county be and they are hereby authorized and

directed to divide and lay out the first election district

of Harford county, commonly called Abingdon dis-

Divide election

trict, into two election precincts, in such manner as in


their judgments the public interest may require, and

designate the number by which each of said precincts

shall be known, provided nevertheless that Abingdon

and Magnolia shall respectively be the places where

elections shall be held in said precincts.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty

of the officers of registration in said election district

Register voters

so divided into precincts, when notified by the county

commissioners of such divisions of said district, prior

to the next election in said county, to register all the

voters in said district in the same mode and manner

as the voters in other districts are required to be regis-

tered by the registration laws of the State of Mary-

land; and he shall prepare separate lists of voters

according to the sub-division of said districts into pre-

Prepare sep-
arate list.

cincts, as hereinbefore provided, designating the elec-

tion precinct of the district .in which the voters are or

shall be respectively entitled to vote, and shall deliver

one copy of the list of voters for each of said pre-

cincts to the judges of election thereof.

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
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