the clerk of the circuit court for Baltimore county,
been duly incorporated under the name of Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Reisterstown,
in Baltimore county, and have acquired for the pur-
poses of the corporation property under the said name ;
SECTION 1. Therefore, be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That the two corporations
so formed be and the same are hereby united and con-
solidated under the name of Grace Methodist Episco-
pal Church South, of Reisterstown,' in Baltimore
county, and that the church property in or near the
United and con-
village of Reisterstown, now used by the corporation,
and the lands appurtenant thereto, including forty
square perches, more or less, and all other property,
real and personal, now held by either of said corpo-
rations heretofore so formed, or in trust for or on
behalf of or to the use of the same, or the members
thereof, be and the same is hereby vested in the said
consolidated corporation.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted as aforesaid,
That the trustees of the said consolidated corporation.
to act in its name and behalf, and to manage its estate,
property and inheritance, shall be the trustees desig-
Who to be trus-
nated in the certificate of incorporation of said corpora-
tion known prior hereto as Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church South, of Reisterstown, in Baltimore county,
and the powers of said consolidated corporation shall
be the same as those of said corporation known prior
hereto as Grace Methodist Episcopal Church South,
of Reisterstown, in Baltimore county; and the time
and manner of electing trustees of the said consoli-
Trustees? how
dated corporation, and the rights and duties of said
trustees, and the manner in which their successors
shall be perpetuated, and the qualifications of the
persons severally electing and elected, and the times
and places of the meeting of members, shall be the
same as provided for the said corporation known prior
hereto as Grace Methodist Episcopal Church South,
of Reisterstown, in Baltimore county.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted as aforesaid,
That the said trustees shall be capable in law to pur-
chase, take and hold, to them and their successors, in
fee, or for a less estate, an amount of property not
Powers of trus-
exceeding the amount that religious corporations in-
corporated under the general laws of this state may
now so purchase, take and hold, and to use or lease,