non jury term of said court, beginning on the first
Monday of August in each and every year, to which
Non jury term.
no jurors shall be summoned, but to which process
shall be returnable as at the other terms, and at which
judgment in uncontested cases shall be entered, and
other business transacted as at other terms not requir-
ing the presence or aid of a jury.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1884.
Chapter 101.
AN ACT to change the name of the village of
Mechanicsville, in Montgomery county, to Olney ;
and to change the name of Mechanicsville District
Number Eight, or the eighth election district, to Ol-
ney District Number Eight, or the eighth election
district of said county, and to designate the voting
place thereof.
SECTION 1. Be, it enacted by the General Assembly
Name of vil-
of Maryland, That the name of the village of Me-
lage charged.
chanicsville, in Montgomery county, be and the same
is hereby changed to Olney.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the name of Me-
chanicsville district number eight, or the eighth elec-
Name of dis-
tion district of Montgomery county, be and the same
trict changed.
is hereby changed to Olney district number eight, or
the eighth election district of said county, and that
the voting place or polls thereof shall be held at Olney.
Approved March 20, 1884.