number of votes shall serve for a term of three years ;
the person so elected receiving the next highest num-
Term of ser-
ber of votes shall serve for a term of two years; the
person so elected receiving the next highest number of
votes shall serve for a term of one year from the said
election, so that thereafter one commissioner may be
elected every year for a term of three years, and annu-
ally thereafter on the first Monday of June in each
and every year, at such time and place as shall be
designated by the commissioners, the citizens, quali-
fied to vote as aforesaid, shall elect one commissioner,
qualified as aforesaid, to serve for three years; each of
said commissioners shall receive a salary of twelve
dollars a year.
SEC..... No person shall keep, own or harbor a dog
or bitch in said town without first obtaining a license
from the clerk to the commissioners for that purpose,
Dog license.
in the month of June in each and every year, and
paying at the time of license being granted one dollar
tor a license to keep, own or harbor a dog, and three
dollars for a license to keep, own or harbor a bitch.
The keeper, owner or harborer of every dog or bitch
for which a license shall be obtained shall have a col-
lar placed around the neck of aaid dog or bitch, on
which collar shall be placed a number corresponding
to the number of the license. Every dog or bitch
found going at large in said town without such collar
and number shall be shot or otherwise destroyed
Bailiff to des-
by the bailiff of said town; and if any person shall
bring a dog or bitch into said town after the month
of June in any year, he, she or they shall obtain a
license for said dog or bitch within ten days thereafter,
and shall pay for the same as hereinbefore directed,
and place a collar, with a number, around the neck of
said dog or bitch, otherwise the said dog or bitch shall
be shot or otherwise destroyed; provided that, if any
dog or bitch being once in any year licensed as afore-
said should lose the number, the owner, keeper or har-
borer. of said dog or bitch shall, within ten days after
being notified by the bailiff' of such loss, obtain a
duplicate number from the clerk to the commissioners ;
said number to be furnished the keeper, owner or
harborer at cost. Any person or persons failing or
Fine for failiity-
refusing to comply with the provisions of this section
to comply.
shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar nor
more than five dollars.