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Session Laws, 1884 Session
Volume 424, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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Chapter 13.

AN ACT to repeal sections one, three, eight, nine,

ten, twenty-two and twenty-three of article eight

of the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Cecil

County," sub-title "Almshouse," and re-enact the

same so as to read as follows :

SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly

of Maryland, That sections one, three, eight, nine,

Repealed and

ten, twenty-two and twenty-three of article eight of


the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Cecil County,"

sub-title "Almshouse," be and the same are hereby

repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :

SECTION 1. The county commissioners of Cecil

county shall, at their stated meetings in January of

Trustees of

each year, appoint five discreet and proper persons,

the poor.

inhabitants of said county, to be trustees of the poor

for said county from the first Monday of February

next ensuing.

SEC. 3. The said trustees, under the penalty of

twenty-five dollars, shall accept said office, and shall

meet at the almshouse of the county on the first/Mon-

day of February next ensuing their appointment, and

Qualify as

qualify as trustees by taking the following oath, to

wit : " I, A. B., do swear that I will duly and faith-

fully discharge the duties and trusts committed to me

as a trustee of the poor for Cecil county to the best

Oath— how

of skill and knowledge. So help me God." Which


oath is to be administered by any of the five trustees

to the others, any one of whom, being sworn, shall

administer the same to him.

SEC. 8. They shall, at their meeting on the first

Monday of February, annually appoint, from their

Appoint a

own number, a treasurer to receive all the funds of


said institution, who shall give bond, with sufficient

security, to the trustees for the time being, and their

successors, that he will fairly and honestly account

with said trustees for all money that may come into

his hands, at the expiration of every year, or sooner if

required by said trustees or their successors; and the


said treasurer shall receive a compensation not exceed-

of treasurer.

ing three per cent, of the moneys he receives and

accounts for.

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Session Laws, 1884 Session
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