fer for the same place of business, the Board shall have
the power in its discretion to issue a permit to the owner
or transferee of such license to conduct business there-
under until a duplicate license can be issued or said trans-
fer duly effected, and the said Board shall indorse upon
such duplicate license the word "Duplicate, " together with
the names of the original licensee, as well as that of the
transferee to whom such duplicate is granted. Provided,
however, that no license may be assigned or hypothecated
to any brewer, or distiller, and no license may be hypothe-
cated to any person, firm, association or corporation.
690A. Any holder of a license to sell beer or other bever-
ages of alcoholic content against whom an indictment is
pending for the violation of this or any similar act during
the year for which said license was granted, and who shall
not have been convicted for any such violation of this or
any similar act during the said year for which the said
license was issued, who shall cease to traffic in beer or
other beverages of alcoholic content during the term for
which such license was issued, and who shall surrender
such license to the Board of License Commissioners, and
who shall at the same time file with the said Board of
License Commissioners a petition in such general form as
the Board may prescribe, duly sworn to before a Notary
Public or Justice of the Peace, asking to have the license
"cancelled, " shall be entitled to have the amount paid for
such license refunded pro rata for the unexpired portion
of the term for which such license was granted, less Ten
Dollars ($10. 00), provided that no refund shall be allowed
or paid upon the surrender of such license, unless the same
shall have at least one full calendar month yet to run. And
upon the surrender of said license and the filing of said
petition, the said Board shall thereupon compute the
amount of refund then due on said license for the unexpired
term thereof, less Ten Dollars ($10. 00), and shall execute
duplicate vouchers therefor showing the name of the per-
son to whom the original license was issued, and the num-
ber of said license, the date when issued, the amount paid
therefor, and the date when surrendered for cancellation,
together with the amount of refund due thereon at such
date as computed by it. the name of the person entitled to
receive the refund and a warrant to the Comptroller of
Baltimore City directing him to pay said refund as set
forth in said vouchers to the persons so entitled, and one
of said vouchers the said Board shall deliver to the person
entitled thereto, together with said warrant on the City