to, or for the use of, the same purchaser or purchasers with-
in a period of twenty-four hours, which exceed in the ag-
gregate the limits herein fixed, shall be taken as prima facie
evidence of an intent to violate the terms of such license.
Distillers and brewers shall require no license for the
conduct of their business or to sell beer or other beverages
of alcoholic content in wholesale quantities as herein de-
fined; but distillers and brewers shall not be entitled to
have or exercise any license for the sale of beer or other
beverages of alcoholic content for consumption on the
No license shall be issued under the provisions of this
Act to wholesale or retail druggists, but nothing herein
contained shall limit or restrict the right of druggists or
apothecaries to furnish, sell, compound or mix liquors upon
the written prescription of a regular physician.
690. Any holder of a license to sell beer or other bev-
erages of alcoholic content may be permitted by said Board,
in their discretion, to sell or assign said license to another
person, to be used at the same or another place of business,
or to transfer his said license to another place of business;
provided that the fitness and propriety of said intended
purchaser or assignee and of said intended new place of
business shall be first approved by said Board upon due
application therefor, recommendation by qualified voters,
advertisement of same in newspapers, etc.. as in case of an
original application for such license. Such sale or assign-
ment or transfer when granted by said Board shall be in-
dorsed upon the license by the said Board, which shall be
entitled to receive a fee of fifty cents therefor (to be paid
over by said Board to the Bureau of Receipts), and the
same shall then take effect. And whenever the said Board
may be satisfied that any license has been lost or destroyed
or that any licensee has transferred or assigned his license
to another person, and the said transfer or assignment has
been duly approved by the Board in the manner above pro-
vided for, and the original licensee withholds said license
from the person or persons to whom he has assigned or
transferred the same, and refuses to deliver or surrender
said license, the said Board shall have the power to revoke
and cancel said original license and to issue a duplicate
license in lieu thereof to such transferee upon the payment
of the aforesaid fee of fifty cents (to be paid over to the
Bureau of Receipts as aforesaid), without any additional
license fee. And if any license shall be in course of trans-