to them oaths or affirmations, and all summons so issued
shall be served by the police force of the City of Balti-
more. If any witnesses so summoned shall refuse or neglect
to attend, or, attending, refuse to testify, the said Board
shall report the facts to the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, which is hereby authorized and directed to proceed
by attachment against said witnesses in all respects as if
said neglect or refusal had been by witnesses summoned to
appear in said Court in cases pending before it. The said
Board is authorized to adopt and enforce such rules, regu-
lations, restrictions and practices governing the sale of
beer and other beverages of alcoholic content not incon-
sistent with this or any other statute of the State of Mary-
land, as may be necessary and requisite in their discretion
in the discharge of their duties.
689. The term "Wholesale License" as used in this Act
shall apply to a license for the sale of beer and other bever-
ages of alcoholic content for consumption elsewhere than
on the premises, and in no case to be drunk on the prem-
ises. And such licenses shall entitle the holders thereof to
sell beer in original packages, and in quantities or packages
of not less than one dozen pint bottles or six quarts each;
and to sell other beverages of alcoholic content in quantities
of not less than one pint each.
The business of bottling beer, lager beer and porter for
sale shall not be permitted under any provision of this Act
unless conducted at the place where such beer, lager beer
or porter is manufactured or produced.
Licenses for the sale of beer or any other beverage of
alcoholic content at retail for consumption on the premises
shall be issued only to clubs as defined in this Act, restau-
rants, hotels, and to establishments maintained primarily
for the sale of beer and other beverages of alcoholic content,
and to holders of special licenses as in this Act provided.
Such establishments maintained primarily for the sale of
beer and other beverages of alcoholic content shall not sell
any other article or thing other than non-alcoholic bever-
ages, tobacco and tobacco products, sea food, and cooked
and prepared foodstuffs. Such licenses for the sale of beer
or any other beverage of alcoholic content at retail for
consumption on the premises, issued to a club, restaurant,
hotel, or to an establishment as above defined, shall also
authorize the sale of not exceeding eight gallons of beer
whether contained in keg or bottles, and the sale of other
beverages of alcoholic content in quantities or packages not
exceeding five gallons each. Successive or cumulative sales