such license should be granted; and if sufficient cause shall
at any time be shown to the said Board that the party
licensed was guilty of any fraud in procuring such license,
or has violated any of the conditions or restrictions of his
license, or has violated any law of the State or of the
United States, or has violated any of the rules, regulations
or practices adopted by the Board, the said Board may,
after giving notice to the person so licensed, revoke said
license; and the Criminal Court of the City may in like
manner revoke said license if the party should be con-
victed before it of any such violation.
678. It shall be unlawful for any brewer or distiller of
beer or other beverage of alcoholic content to have any
interest, financial or otherwise, in any premises upon or in
which beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content is
sold, or in any business required to be licensed hereunder
of selling beer or other beverage of alcoholic content; and
it shall be unlawful for any brewer or distiller of beer or
other beverage of alcoholic content to lend money, or make
any gift, or offer any gratuity to the holder of a license
issued under the provisions of this Act. Any person, firm
or association violating any of the provisions of this sec-
tion shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of
not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00), nor more
than Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000. 00), or by imprison-
ment of not more than two (2) years, or by both fine and
imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. A corporation
convicted of any offense under the provisions of this section
shall be fined not more than Five Thousand Dollars
($5, 000. 00), and its president or such other officials as may
be responsible for the conduct and management thereof
may be imprisoned not more than two (2) years, in the
discretion of the court.
679. Any club, society or association whatever, whether
incorporated or not, now in existence or hereafter to be
formed, desiring to sell beer or any other beverage of
alcoholic content to its members or guests, in order to do
so shall first obtain a club license from the said Board
upon its application therefor to be made by a petition to
be signed and sworn to in due form of law on its behalf
by its president or secretary. Every such petition shall
affirmatively show: First, that the applicant is a bona fide
social club or society or association, composed of reputable
citizens over twenty-one years of age, duly organized with
officers and a constitution or by-laws, that by the terms