of such constitution or by-laws the members of such appli-
cant are required to be elected by a formal vote of its
members, directors or governing body and to pay annual
or semi-annual dues during their membership, and that the
membership in said club, society or association is bona fide
and real. Second, that the applicant was not and is not
organized for the purpose of profit and does not seek a
club license to sell or furnish beer or any other beverage
of alcoholic content for any purpose other than the accom-
modation of its members and duly recognized guests. Third,
the particular place in which the applicant's club, society
or association is located, and proposes to sell or furnish
beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content, and that
such place is not in any building which contains any other
establishment that is licensed under this Act to sell beer
or any other beverage of alcoholic content, designating such
place by street and number, or otherwise definitely to the
satisfaction of the said Board. Fourth, the name of the
owner of the premises so used or occupied by said appli-
cant. Fifth, that the applicant has not had a license for
the sale of beer or any other beverage of alcoholic content
in this State revoked, nor has it been. convicted of any
felony within one year preceding the filing of said petition.
Sixth, that the applicant will obey and observe all laws
applicable to it prohibiting the sale of beer or other bever-
age of alcoholic content upon its premises or by it on any
days or occasions in said laws mentioned, and will, at all
times, to the best of its ability, prevent the sale of beer or
other beverage of alcoholic content therein from becoming
the source of any disturbance of the peace or good order
of the City. No signers shall be required to attest the
character of applicants, for a club License, but with the
application shall be filed a sworn list of the bona fide mem-
bers of such club, society or association, and before issuing
the license applied for the said Board shall be satisfied
that the applicant is, in fact, such legitimate bona fide
organization as it claims to be, and that it would not be a
nuisance to the neighborhood in which it is located, and for
such purpose the Board may call for such other and ad-
ditional evidence as to it may seem proper, and may hear
petitions in opposition thereto, as provided in Sections 671
and 677 of this Act.
680. No license shall be issued until license fees pro-
vided for in this Act shall have been paid.
681. If, after the notice and hearing provided for in
this Act, the said Board shall decide to grant the license